Press articles
Viktor Belozerov (Art researcher/Histrian) "Sign of the Times # 1. History and disposal container", 2022
Viktor Belozerov (Art researcher/Histrian) "Looking. Yoshinori Niwa", 2021
Beatrice Forchini (Assistant curator of Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna) "If you had a wish, what would it be?", 2018
Jani Pirnat (Independent curator, Ljubljana) "Yoshinori Niwa: Delayed Hypothesis – From A to B" , 2016
Eiko Honda (Indepedent curator, London) "A Spectre of Words — Niwa Yoshinori and the Spectrum of the Common" , 2015
F. Atsumi (Editor/Critic, Osaka) "Yoshinori Niwa Speaks — On Other Works" , 2015
Mami Kataoka (Cheif curator of Mori Art Museum, Tokyo) "Yoshinori Niwa: FutureGreat 2014 by ArtReview" , 2014
Miryam Sas (Professor of Comparative Literature and Film and Media at the University of California, Berkeley) "From Postwar to Contemporary Art in Japan (catalogue essay, Roppongi Crossing 2013)",2013
Gabirel Ritter (Director of the UCSB Art, Design and Architecture Museum, Santa Barbara) "A Genealogy of Nonsense", 2013
Reuben Keehan (Curator of Queensland Art Gallery. | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia) "Yoshinori Niwa" , 2013
Hiroyuki Hattori (Independent curator, Nagoya) "Body Plunging - Comical Behaviors to Puncture Society" , 2011
Katsuo Suzuki (Curator of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) "The Reserved Gatecrasher" , 2010
Articles and Reviews:
HG Masters "How to Hold Your Breath: at the 2024 Asian Art Biennial", ArtAsiaPacific(HK), 31 January 2025
Miriam Stoney "Letter from Graz", ART Monthly(UK), 30 January 2025
沈柏逸 "屏息中輕嘆:2024亞洲藝術雙年展《所有令人屏息的》",報導者(TW), 27 December 2024
Nikolay Smirnov "Horror Patriae", e-flux Notes(US), 20 December 2024
Ian Tee "2024 Asian Art Biennial ‘How to Hold Your Breath’", Art and Market(SG), 11 December 2024
Olga Kronsteiner "Droht der Grünen Mark kulturpolitisch ein blaues Wunder?", Der Standard, 10 December 2024
Jörg Heiser "Steirischer Herbst ’24, “Horror Patriae”", e-flux Criticism(US), 27 September 2024
red, "Kunstwahlplakat wieder enthüllt", ORF(AT), 19 September 2024
Gerald Winter-Pölsler "Kulturstadtrat sieht „unbeholfenes“ herbst-Plakat, verteidigt aber Kunstprovokation", Kleine Zeitung(AT), 19 September 2024
Ute Baumhackl "Für maximales Interesse ist gesorgt", Kleine Zeitung(AT), 19 September 2024
Susanne Rakowitz "Eine Fuhre Mist für Nitsch, „Sandler-Pfahlsitzen“ und andere „herbst“-Aufreger", Kleine Zeitung(AT), 19 September 2024
Thomas Kramar "Wie belastet sind Kreuzstich und „totaler Sieg“? Ausstellung „Horror Patriae“ in Graz", Die Presse(AT), 19 September 2024
Der Standard "Plakat für Kunstaktion beim Steirischen Herbst von Polizei sichergestellt", der Standard(AT), 18 September 2024
APA/red."„Jedem das Unsere“: Polizei stellt Plakat bei Kunstfestival sicher", Die Presse(AT), 18 September 2024
SN-Bef, Apa "steirischer herbst: Kunstplakat von der Polizei sichergestellt", Salzburger Nachrichten(AT),18 September 2024
Lukas Lorber "Verstoß gegen Verbotsgesetz? Polizei deckt Kunstwerk ab, Kleine Zeitung(AT), 17 September 2024
Lisa Movius "We must survive: Yokohama Triennale entwines stories of darkness and resistance", The Art Newspaper(US), 7 June 2024
Teresa Andreae "Stadtarchiv Innsbruck: „Hitler entsorgen“",ORF(AT), 14 December 2023
Sukanya Deb "Yoshinori Niwa brings together gestures that untangle the logic of capitalism", stir world(IN), 9 May 2023
橘匡子, 「WORLD REPORT 想像力とイニシエーション:危機を乗り越え再生し続ける国家と社会」, 美術手帖(JP), 2022
Sophie Deistler, "Aus den Kellern auf den Müll", Kölnische Rundschau(DE), 18 February, 2021
Erka Shalari "Dolls, digital layers, money and meat.”, Les Nouveaux Riches(AT), 24 December, 2020
Ralf Stiftel "Die Ausstellung „Empört Euch!“ bringt politische Kunst in den Kunstpalast", Westfälische Anzeiger(DE), 18 November, 2020
Matthias Beckonert ""Empört Euch!" - Kunst in Zeiten des Zorns”, DW(DE), 29 October, 2020
Birgit Kölgen "Schau der Aufregung im Kunstpalast Düsseldorf: „Empört Euch!“", report-D(DE), 29 October, 2020
dpa "Künstler stellt in Düsseldorf Container für Nazi-Relikte aufKünstler stellt in Düsseldorf Container für Nazi-Relikte auf", monopol(DE), 29 October, 2020
Peter Ortmann "Blick auf einen Jetztzustand, der sehr emotional ist", trailer(DE), 28 October, 2020
Sabine Oelze "Zwischen Agitpop und Dada", deutschland funk(DE)28 October 2020
dpa "Hitler-Müll im Container", WELT(DE), 28 October, 2020
Rosalyn D`Mello "The secret lives of objects”, STIR(IN), 27 June, 2020
Brian Haman "Yoshinori Niwa: AB 1. OKTOBER 2017: VERBOT DER GESICHTSVERHÜLLUNG IN ÖSTERREICH”, ArtAsiaPacific(HK), 1 May, 2020
Michael Connor "The 24/7 Exhibition”, RHIZOME(US), 24 October, 2019
Kazuhiro Sekine "Boycott of Japanese pleyers at Tokto Olympics?”, Huffpost Japan(JP), 24 October, 2019
Chie Sumiyoshi "Yoshinori NIWA solo exhibition “We Unanimously Agree on a Plan That Nobody Has Asked For”, RealTokyo(JP), 13 June, 2019
Keiichiro Tao "Creators to reload", KLIMT RELOADED(JP), 3 April, 2019, p.56-57
Eva Scharrer "Steirischer Herbst",ARTFORUM(US), 7 December, 2018
Annie Armstrong "Post Modern: At the Untitled Fair, Yoshinori Niwa Offers Previously Undelivered Cold War–Era Postcards as Art", ARTNEWS(US), 4 December, 2018
taz Graz "Erst heile Welt, dann Avantgarde", taz(DE), 17 November, 2018
Skye Arundhati Thomas "Our Little Fascisms", Art Montly #421(UK), November, 2018
Kristian Vistrup Madsen "Archeology and Ambivalence at Austria’s Steirischer Herbst Festival", MOMUS (CA), 2 November, 2018
Nikolaj Vedde "How art can address the controversies of our time", Danish Cultural Institute (DK), 23 October, 2018
Andrey Shental "steirischer herbst ’18", Flash Art International (IT), 24 October, 2018
Leonie Huber "Grauen in der Provinz Der steirische herbst 2018", (DE/AT), 21 October, 2018
Eva Schiller "Zeigt mir die Nazi-Relikte!", ZDF(DE), 12 October, 2018
Kim West "Unity in defeatism", Kunstkritikk (NO), 11 October, 2018
Adam Kleinman "Steirischer Herbst 2018", art-agenda (US), 9 October, 2018
Hannes Klug "Graz träumt", Der Freitag (DE), 6 October, 2018
John McDonald "Infectious energy takes on ugly politics in Austrian art event", Sydney Morning Herald (AU), 5 October, 2018
MARÍA INÉS PLAZA LAZO "Wer sich hier desorientiert fühlt, hat den idealen Zustand der Erkenntnis erreicht", reflektor M (DE), 2 October, 2018
Laurence Scherz "Hip Berlijn ontdekt steirischer herbst, het oudste (en misschien wel beste) kunstenfestival van Europa", metropolis M (NL), 2 October, 2018
Peter Jungblut "Bei dieser Kunstaktion sollen Österreicher Nazi-Nippes entsorgen", BR24 (DE), 1 October, 2018
Unknown "Swastika destroys autumn: Japanese actionist agitated Austria", BBC Russia (RU), 29 September, 2018
Scott Reyburn "In Austria’s Art Scene, the Ideas Are Big (but the Turnout Isn’t)", The New York Times (US), 28 September, 2018
Martina Marx "Ein Mistkübel für Nazi-Mist in Graz", futter (AT), 28 September, 2018
Elinor Charlotte Lazar "Hitler loswerden", Der Spiegel (DE), 27 September, 2018
Clémentine Mercier "GRAZ, LA LUTTE ANTIFASCISTE DE PLEIN FOUET", Liberation (FR), 27 September, 2018
Wolfgang Kralicek and Catrin Lorch "Kleine Faschistengebäude im Brunnen", Süddeutsche Zeitung (DE), 24 September, 2018
Kristofer Lundström "Konstnärerna gör upp med Österrikes nationalistiska arv", SVT (SE), 24 September, 2018
Walter Seidl "Stadtraum als Agitationsplattform", art magazine (AT), 23 September, 2018
RONALD POHL and ANNE KATRIN FESSLER "Steirischer Herbst gestartet: Erkundungen an der Grazer "Volksfront", der Standard (AT), 22 September, 2018
Δέσποινα Ζευκιλή, "An artistic festival fuses the Nazi past and our small fascism", athinorama (GR), 20 September, 2018
Kate Brown "How Europe’s Oldest Arts Festival Is Confronting the Rise of Nationalism", artnet (US), 18 September, 2018
Kazuhiro Sekine "What if all of Japanese players boycott?", HuffPost (JP), 22 Jan, 2018
Jay Zee "Language Graduating Slowly From Language", Drenched Review(UK), 20 Dec, 2017
Ned Carter Miles "That Language Sounds Like A Language", ArtAsiaPacific(HK), 15 Dec, 2017
Bobby Jewell "Yoshinori Niwa: That Language Sounds Like a Language", This is Tomorrow(UK), 12 Dec, 2017
Ian Caldwell "Does language creates national identity?", Ian The Architect(UK) 9 Dec, 2017
Kelley O‘Brien "Everything for Sale", Till the Demise of Capitalism, 5 May, 2017
Jani Pirnat "Delayed Thought on Delayed Hypothesis", Till the Demise of Capitalism, 5 May, 2017
Yusuke Murakami "To a new era regarding education and politics", Till the Demise of Capitalism, 5 May, 2017
Naoya Fujita "The uncomfortableness toward “community-engaged art” for those without a homeland", Till the Demise of Capitalism, 5 May, 2017
Masaya Kobayashi "Art for thought that breaks the seal of public spirituality— dialogues with mayors throughout the ages", Till the Demise of Capitalism, 5 May, 2017
Kazuhiro Sekine “On the Lenin Burial Theory”, Huffington Post(JP), 24 Apr, 2017
Eiji Shinmi "Against Name", MAT annual report 2016, 2017
Natsu Onodera "Against Name", MAT annual report 2016, 2017
Setsuko Tachikawa “The spirit of the mayor of the past town”, Asahi Shinbun(JP), 18 Aug, 2016
Takashi Homma "Intervention art", Geijutsu Shincho(JP), Mar, 2016, p.150-154
Fumiko Kabayashi "We can not escape from the authority", Bijutsu Techo(JP) Apr, p.178-179
Shimizu Yuka "Various OUR BELOVED”, Mainichi Shinbun(JP), 3 Feb, 2016
Yasuhiko Muroki "the responsibility of waste”, Chunichi Shimbun (JP), 20 Feb, 2016
William Davie “Yoshinori Niwa: Historically Historic Historical History of Communism“, This is Tomorrow(UK), 20 Nov, 2015
David Franzier “What’s in a Name?” ArtAsiaPacific #95 (HK), Sep 2015, p63
Alice Sarmiento "Common Ground or “How do we live in a ruin?”", Alice Sarmiento blog (PH), 21 Feb, 2015
Ardelle Costuna “Would you like a dumpsite to be named after you?”, Pacifiqa (PH), 5 Jan, 2015
Vida Cruz “Japanese artist offers: Rename this QC dumpsite, help save the environment”, GMA News Online (PH), 2 Jan, 2015
Ben Valentine “Artist Sells Naming Rights to a Landfill”, Hyperallergic(US), 22 Dec, 2014
Mami Kataoka “2014 Future Greats”, ArtReview (UK), Mar 2014 / p.84
Stephanie Bailey “Roppongi Crossing 2013: Out Of Doubt. A Retrospective On A Retrospective”, OCULA(online), 19 Feb, 2014
ALISON MILLER “Out of Doubt: Roppongi Crossing at the Mori Art Museum”, Modern Art Asia(HK), 13 Jan, 2014
DAVID BALZER “Art Fallout: Two Post-Fukushima Triennials”, CANADIAN ART (CA), 6 January, 2014
Darryl Wee “REVIEW: Roppongi Crossing 2013: OUT OF DOUBT”, BLOUIN ARTINFO(US), 29 Octr, 2013
Ele Carpenter “Transforming the Water Cycle”, Nuclear Culture (UK), 7 Oct, 2013
Susan Kendzulak “Japan’s art decade: 10 years of Mori Art Museum – picture feast”, Art Rader(US), 27 Sep, 2013
Lucy Birmingham “Post-3.11 Art at MAM: Roppongi Crossing 2013: Out of Doubt”, Artscape(JP), Sep 2013
Chie Sumiyoshi “Exposing the reality grasped by a fox, a guerrillaal approach of art”, FIGARO JAPON(JP), 30 Sep, 2013, p.142
Kentaro Okazawa “art challenging taboo”, Saizo(JP), 1 Sep, 2013, p.40-45
Iida Shihoko “Critical and tricky works reflecting the times”, Monthly Art Collector(JP), 25 Sep, 2012, p.36
Tomoko Yabumae “Artists as activist”, Enjoy! Contemporary Art! Yosensya Mook(JP), 5 Sep, 2013, p.40-41
Mick Nomura “PaperSky Interiew Yoshinori Niwa”, PAPER SKY(JP) no.38, 30 Apr, 2012, p.64-67
Chigusa Sasao “Re-thinking as art living here”, AC2(JP), 12 Mar, 2012, p.58-60
Hiroyuki Hattori AC2(JP), 12 March, 2012, p.65-68
Eriko Kimura “Which is the real one, the costume bear and the zoo bear?”, Bijutsu Techo vol. 62(JP), 1 Nov, 2010, p. 220-221
Michael Bird “Identity Game“, The Diplomat Bucharest (RO), 1 Feb, 2011
Tuomas Laitinen and Pilvi Porkola “Kaikille Varkaikke: On Aika Varastaa!”, ESITYS (FIN), Mar, 2010, p.18-19
Jasmine Agnes T. Cruz “Something different in a museum”, Business World (PH), 13 Jan, 2015
Jasmine Agnes T. Cruz “Communist curiosity: looking for Lenin after the fall”, Business World (PH), 1 Jul, 2014
IsabelL Salema “Somos todos japoneses”, Publico (PT), 25 Oct, 2013
Miu Yabuno “Show twist of essence by parody”, Sankei Express(JP), 18 Oct, 2013
C.B. Liddell “Missing the light at "Roppongi Crossing”, Japan Times(JP), 17 Oct, 2013
Wakato Onishi “Recognition of the world and self”, Asahi Shinbun(JP), 11 Jul, 2012
Emily Ferris “Japanese Artist Looks for Vladimir Lenin in Russian Homes”, Moscow Times(RU), 30 Mar, 2012
Hiroyuki Tanaka “Looking for Vladimir Lenin”, Mainichi Shinbun(JP), 24 Mar, 2012
Maria Ledneva “Visitors to the capital: artist Yoshinori Niwa", The Village(RU), 14 Mar 2012
МАРИЯ ГУРОВА “Если хорошо поискать, то Ленин окажется дома у любого человека”, aroundart (RU), 21 Mar, 2012
Svetlana Yankina"Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Art Opened in Moscow", RIA News(RU), 23 Feb 2012
Shoji Ichihara “Humorous winds in common sense”, Yomiuri Shimbun(JP), 8 Sep, 2010
Leah Sandals "All together now", NOW Magazine(CA), 5 Aug 2009
Terence Dick "Akimbo blog", Akimbo, 23 Jul 2009
Isamu Iida "Tokyo Kaibo Zukan", Tokyo Shimbun(JP), 2007
Francisca M. Catană "Gunoaiele vor zbura prin Capitală" , adevarul (RO), 7 Aug 2007
Reana Masuyama "Story so far 2", The AKAHATA (JP), 30 Jul, 2007