To begin with, whether or not they are aware of it, everyone will have blood relatives, and without them, no one can exist in this world. In other words, everyone has ancestors. That is an unavoidable truth, at least, that's what we now think. And those many, many ancestors lived in this same world, or at least, what I believe to be the same world. And I have never met those many, many ancestors, as they left this world before I came to it. We exist here, in the world they once lived. The culture of bereaved relatives, who must remember their deceased, wishing for their souls to be at peace and turning to spiritualism, only ever existed in a private space, devoid of outsider opinion.
This project, Paying a Courtesy Call on the Incumbent Mayor by all His Predecessors in History, uses mediums and psychics from across Japan, and has them summon the ghosts of historic Naoshima mayors and village headsmen, in the Naoshima town hall. We also have an interview with the present mayor. The idea behind communicating with the dead came from the fact that anyone can access the written, official history of the island. Until now, summonings were only ever done by relatives remembering those they had lost. But rather than summoning private beings, this would be for public ones - mayors and village headsmen - and we ask them to pay us official visits from the spirit world. We will naturally be confused by what the mediums and psychics say. But with that confusion, we might be able to open a new door to access the world in which we live, more directly, by being more rash, by being less able to trust ourselves, and perhaps by not being so dependent on the culture and writings left by our ancestors.
When I went to visit an Itako (shaman) in Aomori to film for this project, I felt my fate sealed when the woman, who could barely see, said the following. "I'm a Itako, athough my eyes can't see, I know." she told us. What she was saying was, what can we, who assume our eyes can see, possibly know? One researcher explained that a necromancer's world is created from the assumption that the necromancer is "different from other people", but this doesn't necessarily apply to just necromancers. In the eras yet to come, with our changing sense of values and social landscape, how possible is it really, for us who assume our eyes can see, to reject our assumptions and truly look at world? This does not seem to be asked so vehemently.