震災の直後に東京都内で活発化した反原発抗議活動の一環のデモ行進の中心を先頭から最後尾までを逆走するビデオドキュメントの「デモ行進を逆走する」(2011) は、自分自身がデモという市民運動参加の必要性を肌で感じつつも、参加することでむしろ架空の宿敵との二元論を完成させてしまうのではないかという一抹の疑問をテーマとしている。つまるところ、自由意志で参加するはずのデモ行進ですら、僕たちの思考を遮断する可能性があると感じられた。すなわち、僕はデモを逆走するしか手段がなかった。それはこれまでの従来の検閲という言葉にはそぐわないかもしれないが、問われているのはより深く社会を認識するための社会批評が同時に、僕ら自身の社会制度への態度であったり、社会参加の方法にも適用されるということである。
また、他の作品「自宅のゴミをサンフランシスコのゴミ捨て場に捨てにいく」(2006) では、実際に東京の自宅から排出された可燃ゴミを東京都指定のゴミ袋に入れて、飛行機の機内持ち込み荷物として太平洋を越えて、アメリカ西海岸サンフランシスコのゴミ処理場まで自分の手で持ち込み処理を依頼する過程を収めたビデオがある。社会的インフラであるゴミ収集の制度を無視して家庭ゴミをアメリカまで持ち込む視点から見れば、普段何気なく排出するゴミが業者によって収集されるその行き先が「検閲」されて消去されていることも理解できるし、その社会参加への一歩がまさに、自分自身の思考を遮断していることを理解できるかもしれない。
Earthquake, I felt the social recognition until then was not originally monolithic but rather generated from layers of various information and facts, and even started to doubt that my social recognition might have been formed in an arbitrary manner by internal and external evaluations including the mass media. Although it is very difficult to obtain accurate information or correct recognition, not just for the earthquake disaster but for anything.
In the video document “Walk in the Opposite Direction of a Demonstration Parade” (2011), I walked from front to back in the opposite direction through the center of a demonstration parade, which was a part of an antinuclear power movement that became active within Tokyo right after the earthquake disaster. The theme of this video is about a small doubt, that although I feel necessary to attend civic movements like demonstrations, by attending them it might complete a dualism between an imaginary nemesis. In other words, even demonstration parades usually joined by freewill, have a possibility to shut off our thoughts. That is to say, I had no other option but to walk against the flow of a demonstration parade. This might not fit the traditional meaning of the word "censorship", but what is being called into question is that social criticism which is used to recognize the society more deeply, is also applied to our own behavior against the social system and patterns of social participation at the same time.
Also my other work “Going to San Francisco to dispose of my Garbage” (2006) is a video of taking the garbage from my house in Tokyo as a carry-on luggage on an airplane, contained in a designated trash bag for Tokyo Prefecture, and flying across the Pacific Ocean to dispose of it at a site in San Francisco, west coast of the United States. By looking at this action of ignoring the social infrastructure for trash collection and bringing household garbage into the U.S., you realize that garbage is unconsciously thrown out on regular basis but the destination of it after being collected is censored and erased. And again, you might see that this single step of social participation is what shuts off your thoughts.