Rather than the space of a gallery or art museum, Yoshinori Niwa’s form of expression applies itself to the shared spaces of the city, in a collective exchange between numerous people. Through physical performance and participatory events he infiltrates the everyday world with the seed of something foreign, taking a gamble upon sharing the experience of the spreading of this ripple. With the use of only simple actions he is able to precisely comment upon the complicated subjects of the reality of “communication”, “boundaries” and “economy”.
Although I refer to his action as infiltrating a territory with something foreign, it is not his style to create a forceful shock. This perhaps reflects Niwa’s own friendly character, as his way of throwing a stone at society is through humor and good nature. It is because he believes the ability to create change in society evolves through the connection between different people, rather than attacking his target with venom, he deliberately chooses an intervention which at first glance is very soft. Perhaps we can rather say that the methodology of Yoshinori Niwa is a manner of stepping inside the social system and its network of relations.
However, while pursuing the connection between strangers, on the other hand Niwa is cautious to demand conversation in these situations, resulting in repeated one way communication. Sending a message to strangers he can not see, talking with animals who can not understand, Niwa questions the possibility to remain fixed in a one way relationship. A voice that isn’t delivered, like a prayer bound by faith, here the deficits of dialogue are countered by a rich imagination.
In the case of this solo exhibition at alpha m the restriction of the gallery must be rather a challenge to Niwa. It is a different environment to the street, but does not reduce the freshness of the artist’s work, which will offer us a new experience of reality.