Applauding the Products, 2022
Video still, 2022
Installation view at the Bucharest Biennale 10、2022
ブカレストビエンナーレ10での展示風景, 2022
2022, シングルチャンネルの映像(34分34秒)
Applauding the Products
2022, Single-channel video (34min 34sec)
In many socialist countries, politicians were often seen visiting factories and being applauded by the workers. In North Korea, for example, the sight of leader Kim Jong-un being cheered by factory workers is used as 'propaganda' to exaggerate the realisation of socialist ideals. These images are distributed worldwide via YouTube and other media, instantly exciting people around the world. In Romania, recorded footage from the Romanian government archives shows factory employees applauding when Chausescu inspected the workplace. In the socialist system, workers were slaves to the dictatorship, but now that we have moved to a capitalist system, we are slaves to the market economy. The project works with market retailers and workers in Bucharest, who applaud their goods - kitchen paper, rain boots, umbrellas, water tap, hats, etc - in the market, now that it is no longer necessary to applaud the dictator.
This work was produced for the Bucharest Biennial 10 with support from the Federal Ministry of Republic Austria, Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.