Reporting Breaking News From Other Side of the World, 2020
Yelena Maksutay+丹羽良徳作品
Yelena Maksutay+Yoshinori Niwa Work
Video still, 2020
Video by Yoshinori Niwa
2020, シングルチャンネルのビデオ(12分54秒)
Reporting Breaking News From Other Side of the World
2020, Single channel video (12′54 min)
The film documents a performances in which the Japanese artist (Yoshinori Niwa ) asks the Swiss, German artist (Yelena Maksutay), who does not understand Japanese, to report the breaking news of seven days in Japan in various public spaces in Vienna, such as Stephansplatz and Schloss Schönbrunn, where tourists have disappeared due to anti-corona restrictions.
The manuscript of the breaking news about the corona virus in Japan has been phonetically converted into an alphabet, so that she can pronounce the news even if she does not understand what she is reporting about. The Japanese local news is reproduced in Vienna without a receiver and drifts around like a ghost going nowhere, clothed with the body of a voice. In the age of the Internet, where the world is closely connected, we wonder how local news is embodied and clothed in the body.