Hypnotising Land Ownership, 2019
「青森EARTH2019:いのち耕す場所 -農業がひらくアートの未来」、青森県立美術館、青森、2019での展示風景
Installation view "AOMORI EARTH2019: AGROTOPIA –WHEN LIFE BECOMES ART THROUGH LOCAL AGRICULTURE", Aomori Museum of Art, Aomori, 2019
Photo by Masakazu Onishi
撮影:丹羽良徳, 奥脇嵩大
Video still, 2019
Video by Yoshinori Niwa and Takahiro Okuwaki
2019年, 3チャンネルのHD映像(28分55秒)
Hypnotising Land Ownership
2019, Three-channel HD video (28 min 55 sec)
The invention of “farming” in human history brought us a way of producing and saving food systematically and expanded the social structure of human beings, which only existed in the units of family until then, to make it possible to live a settled life like the present day. It also became the basis of the state that creates culture, politics and the economy. Human beings invented “property rights” in order to organise that social life and applied it to various movable property, real estate and services, however, it caused many conflicts at the same time. This artwork sheds light on farming that is the basis of the collective social life today, land ownership that came from farming, and the transition of land ownership.
In this work, Yoshinori Niwa started with an interview about the so-called “abandoned farmland”, a farmland left not being cultivated because of inheritance issues and the rise of large-scale farming companies. This term is defined in the statistical survey (Agriculture and Forestry Census) by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as “a farmland owned by someone that has not been cropped for over a year and has no plans of cropping again in the next few years”. Whose problem is this? If it lowers the food self-sufficiency rate by abandoning the farmland, it might be an issue of the whole society. Or, if it causes pest problems and affect others, it would be more than just the owner’s issue. The idea of property rights is supposed to promise absolute distinction from others, but we can see the impossibility of applying this idea to land. Rather, another side of the concept of land, being a common property in the first place, arises from this.
At the beginning of filming this work, Niwa planned to ask a hypnotist to exchange consciousness between the people who manage abandoned farmlands, owners and outsider Niwa, and to have a discussion meeting over the history of the local agricultural lands and abandoned farmlands. By doing so, Niwa wanted to open a new approach to think about the issue of land ownership. While most local governments rejected the offer, the Misawa City government agreed to film their meeting under hypnosis. Niwa asked hypnosis creator Mr. Tamura to provide hypnosis for the discussion meeting with the local government officials, who manage abandoned farmlands, and agriculture committee. The hypnotist tried to exchange their consciousness, that of government official to landowner and that of Niwa to government official, but unfortunately, the attempt of hypnosis ended in failure.
Then Niwa invited another hypnosis technician Ryusuke Iwai to the museum to put him under hypnosis, making him see hallucinations of rice fields inside the museum where the exhibition preparation was going on, and they loitered in the office and exhibition spaces. Niwa thinks over the history of land ownership of the space and its transition by experiencing it through his body—by seeing hallucinations of rice fields that were once there, where the museum is currently located under the management of the Aomori government—in a way that the audience would never be able to see.
It is said that the area of the Sannai-Maruyama site, where now the Aomori Museum of Art is located and showing this video work, has transformed from Jomon villages to forests, rice fields and residential areas, and ended up as ruins with the times. It is also said that people knew there were ruins around this area since the Edo period. The fact that a large-scale village existed there was revealed due to an investigation in 1992, and the Aomori government decided to cancel the baseball field construction that was already in progress and to preserve the ruins. Thereby, as a result of this, you are able to watch the video right here and right now, but are you seeing how this land where we are now standing has been divided and owned by someone, and moreover been conveniently preserved at times?
Review 美術手帖(JP) Review 青森県立美術館(JP)