Borrowing Money for 2000 Years, 2019
「誰も要求していない計画に全会一致で合意する」、Gallery X by PARCO、東京、2019での展示風景
Installation view at the Gallery X by PARCO, exhibition "We Unanimously Agree on a Plan that Nobody Has Asked For", 2019
Courtesy of PARCO
2019, 机の上に契約書、ガムテープ
Borrowing Money for 2000 Years
2019, contract on table, packing tape
The history of money is not long in human history. The design of money has been changed because of political conditions, or portraits of celebrities have been used for its design from age to age. However, it’s possible to say that cash itself is relatively new and might disappear in the near future due to the development of new technologies. This project is designed so that when someone buys this work, the artist makes a contract with the buyer to borrow the amount of money for the artwork from him/her for 2000 years and return the amount in cash 2000 years later. With more and more virtual currency being used and the society going cashless, no one knows whether cash would be still existing in 2000 years later, and both of the artist and the buyer would be dead by then for sure. This work makes the audience think about the relation between money and the existence of human beings in human society by implementing a thought experiment on how this long-term contract between two individuals for 2000 years, which is way past the human survival time, would be handled.