Pricing Own Belongings at the Market, 2018
Video still, 2018
2018, シングルチャンネルのビデオ(19分51秒)
Pricing Own Belongings at the Market
2018, Single channel video (19min 51sec)
Pricing Own Belongings at the Market, 2018
Single channel video, 19 min 51 sec
In this project, Niwa visits the local flea market of Naschmarkt in Vienna as if to buy daily stuff. But actually, he buys a beer mug from someone at the flea market and brings it to someone else’s place to ask the price and buy it again. In other words, he brings in an object that does not belong to this person and asks the person for pricing. This project is referring to his past project Purchasing My Own Belongings Again in the Downtown, 2011.