Resending postcards sent during the Cold War to the intended recipients, 2017
「あの言語は言語のように聞こえる」、Edel Assanti、ロンドン、2017での展示風景
撮影:Studio Will Amlot
写真提供:Edel Assanti, ロンドン
Installation view "That Language Sounds Like a Language" at Edel Assanti, London, 2017
Photo by Studio Will Amlot
Courtesy of Edel Assanti, London
撮影:Yelena Maksutay
Video still, 2017
Video by Yelena Maksutay
2017, シングルチャンネルのビデオ(20’15min)と絵はがき
Resending Postcards Sent During the Cold War to the Intended Recipients
2017, Single channel video (20’15 min) and postcards
This project documents Niwa visiting flea markets in Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary as if retracing the former Cold War boundary to search for conversations made over the Cold War border, in other words, postcards successfully sent across the border during that period, and resending them to the intended recipients. Most of the postcards were resent to the originally intended recipients from a post office, and the rest were saved to exhibit alongside the documentary film. The vast majority of the postcards officially get lost again on the postal network because no recipients are found due to their death or address change. Independent of past ideology and physical obstacles, Niwa attempts to give a body to the space-time of the interrupted time from the Cold War to present by completing the journey of these postcards.
Review ArtAsiaPacific (Hong Kong) Review This is tomorrow (UK) Review Drenched Reviews (UK)