Asking Taiwanese to sing national anthem of Republic of China while listening national anthem of People’s Republic of China, 2014
「あの言語は言語のように聞こえる」、Edel Assanti、ロンドン、2017での展示風景
撮影:Studio Will Amlot
写真提供:Edel Assanti, ロンドン
Installation view "That Language Sounds Like a Language" at Edel Assanti, London, 2017
Photo by Studio Will Amlot
Courtesy of Edel Assanti, London
協力:Hotspring Project
Video still, 2014
Supported by Hotspring Project
Photo by Yoshinori Niwa
2014, シングルチャンネルビデオ(6分50秒)
Asking Taiwanese to sing national anthem of Republic of China while listening national anthem of People’s Republic of China
2014, Single channel video (6′50 min)
Niwa asks for Taiwanese citizens to sing their national anthem to the rhythm of the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China “March of the Volunteers” performed by a band in Taiwan. As this reminds us the historic conflict between China and Taiwan, he attempts to bring out conformation and resistance at the same time in another dimension beside the historic conflict by making them focus on how they sing or arrange to sing to the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China. Just like the traditionally known anti-Japanese song “March of the Volunteers” has changed its meaning after ages, this project indicates that by having people sing freely – separately from the creators’ intentions – creates the new ways of society and culture.
Graphic Brochure (Taiwan) Review ArtAsiaPacific (Hong Kong) Review This is tomorrow (UK) Review Drenched Reviews (UK)