Donating Money to People in Manila Without Being Noticed, 2014
撮影:Neo Maestro、Francesca Borja
Video still, 2014
Video by Neo Maestro and Francesca Borja
2014, シングルチャンネルのビデオ(5分07秒)
Donating Money to People in Manila Without Being Noticed
2014, Single channel video (5’07 min)
In Metro Manila of the Philippines, an infamous city for tourists being pickpocketed, Niwa throws Filipino coins into people’s pockets from behind around the city hall without being noticed by them. Almost like a reverse of pickpocketing, the action of throwing money into people’s pockets or backpacks appears to be like just walking around the city hall and nothing happening. But if you focus on the split moment when Niwa passes others, you notice that he drops a few coins into their pockets without being noticed by them and maybe not even the viewers of this video. However, if the money is donated without being noticed, can it really be a donation?