Applauding Bears in Berne, 2011
Video still, 2011
2011, シングルチャンネルのビデオ(17分47秒)
Applauding Bears in Berne
2011, Single channel video (17’47 min)
Gathering support of many local people this project offered up applause and praise to a bear in captivity in the city of Berne. This project questioned what could be said towards the bear which is a symbol of the city and a part of the psyche of citizens’ identity. Before the event itself, through interviews, Niwa undertakes a research on what thoughts local people hold towards the bear, and the whole process is documented as a video. What do we bring out to the collective itself? In this case, to the bear. As bears are unable to understand our language they give no reaction. However, this is a very common situation which we face within our lives.