Walk in the Opposite Direction of a Demonstration Parade, 2011
Video still, 2011
Video by Tetsu Nakahori
2011, パフォーマンスのドキュメントビデオ(10分01秒)とビデオ画像を印刷した布(2600mm x 1450mm)
Walk in the Opposite Direction of a Demonstration Parade
2011, Single channel video (10'01 min) and Photographic print on cloth (2600 mm x 1450 mm)
In the middle of a political demonstration that is held in Tokyo just three months after the Great East Japan Earthquake protesting the nuclear energy policy taken by the Japanese government, Niwa alone walks in the opposite direction in this video. While capturing the subtle expressions and messages of the participants by walking against the flow of this mass without showing interest in the protest, the artist attempts to break up the phenomenon of the demo. Furthermore, this video was created from an idea that the act of walking against a collective holding a political message may be seen as a form of demonstration itself.
Review 朝日新聞(Japan) Review Monthly Art Collector(Japan)