Transporting puddle A to puddle B, 2004
Video still, 2004
2004, シングルチャンネルビデオ(10分53秒)
Transporting puddle A to puddle B
2004, Single channel video (10’53 min)
How do urban space and ethnicity relate? Across the place where the Berlin wall once stood during the Cold War, I transfer the puddle to another puddle by my mouth. As a Japanese artist, when I question myself how I can engage with these issues of Cold War and Berlin wall, I felt that the only thing I could do was to transfer a puddle in the former East Berlin to a puddle in the former West Berlin. Now, after the wall has been physically demolished and the freedom of movement has been established completely, I earnestly question how I can engage with the repeated conflict between East and West as a Japanese national and attempt to see how I can face the historical memory of the Berlin wall that emerges again by the transboundary action of moving it by my mouth.