Narrating Our Possessions, 2022
撮影と録音:Dor Even Chen and Abi Sinclair
Video still, 2022
Video and sound recording by Dor Even Chen and Abi Sinclair
2022, パフォーマンス
このパフォーマンスは、2022年7月9日に開催されたロンドンの都市型フェスティバル「Performance Exchange」で発表された。
Narrating Our Possesions
2022, Performance
'Narrating Our Possessions' consists of one performer, two mobile phones (iPhone preferred, but other models are also acceptable) and a stereo speaker set + amplifier. The performance is announced to take place outdoors and in the gallery at the same time. This means that the audience has to choose which location they wish to view the work. At the announced time, the performer appears approximately 350 m away from the exhibition space with his mobile phone. He crawls and slowly makes his way towards the exhibition space. The performer reads out textual information seen along the way (e.g. advertisements in supermarkets, restaurant menus, names of coffee shops, outdoor advertisements, text on T-shirts of passers-by) over the mobile phone, occasionally screaming out. The audience can follow along with the performer to the gallery. At the same time, another mobile phone and stereo speakers + amplifier are set up in the exhibition space, so that only the performer's voice can be heard as he shouts the letters outdoors. Approximately 10 minutes after the start of the performance, the performer arrives at the exhibition space. The Performer enters the gallery in crawling steps. The performer continues to read out the text on the clothing and the brand of shoes the audience is wearing. The performance ends when the Performer has read all the texts that can be read in the exhibition space.
This work aims to examine how commercial advertisements spread across public spaces affect us. Walking along the street, we see advertisements for supermarkets, slogans for new insurance companies, new products for a brand, rental properties, restaurant menus, etc., although we probably rarely read them aloud. However, commercial advertising, often in a commanding tone, attempts to quietly intervene in our personal lives. As a result, our lives have unknowingly become slaves to these commercial advertisements. In this work, I hypothesise that the numerous commercial advertisements found on the street are 'our possessions'. I randomly select an advertisement I see on the street and read it over my mobile phone as I crawl to the gallery. At first you may not know what I am reading, but as the performance progresses it becomes clear what I am 'reading'. By doing this, I am trying to reclaim public space.
The performance was presented at the London city-wide festival "Performance Exchange" on 9 July 2022.
Festival Performance Exchange Exhibition Edel Assanti